In the beggining...
Here is the first post for my blog. I'll start by linking the papers that I'm looking at and the page where i'll be getting the video files for my first data set.
video sequence:
Super-Resolution Enhancement of Text Image Sequences - Capel & zisserman
Automated mosaicin with super-resolution zoom - capel and zisserman
Robust super resolution - zomet, rav-acha, peleg
super-resolution from multiple images having arbitrary mutual motion - zomet, peleg
mosaicing from a translating camera, with efficient application of super-resolution - zomet (thesis)
video sequence:
Super-Resolution Enhancement of Text Image Sequences - Capel & zisserman
Automated mosaicin with super-resolution zoom - capel and zisserman
Robust super resolution - zomet, rav-acha, peleg
super-resolution from multiple images having arbitrary mutual motion - zomet, peleg
mosaicing from a translating camera, with efficient application of super-resolution - zomet (thesis)
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